Hatch Green Chile Bacon Egg and Cheese Wraps

Zia Hatch Green Chile Bacon Egg & Cheese Wraps


Ingredients (makes three wraps): 

- 2 large eggs 

- Splash of milk

- 6 strips bacon

- 2-3 slices of easy melting cheese (we used muenster) 

- 4 (or more) forkfuls of strained Zia Hatch Green Chile 

- Salt and pepper



- Heat up two non stick pans to medium (or heat up butter in a pan to make non-stick)

- Crack eggs in a bowl and pour in a splash of milk

- Add in Zia Hatch Green Chile along with salt and pepper and whisk well. 

- Pour Hatch Green Chile egg mixture into one heated pan and cook / scramble until eggs become thick and non runny. Set aside.

- In other pan, cook bacon strips lightly on both sides. Once cooked, lay out 2 strips together side by side. 

- Tear apart a slice of cheese and layer on one end of the bacon strips. Add scrambled eggs at the other end. 

- From the egg side, roll the bacon forward until fully wrapped around the eggs and cheese. Repeat until all bacon, eggs and cheese are used. 

- Place each wrap back onto a heated pan and cook / flip until all of the outer side is crispy. 

- Enjoy!


Hatch Green Chile Bacon Egg and Cheese Wraps


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