Hatch Green Chile Chicken Noodle Soup
Zia Hatch Green Chile Chicken Noodle Soup
Need some comfort during the Winter season, cold days or when you're under the weather? This flavorful recipe is sure to give you that.
- 1/2 - 1 full jar Zia Hatch Green Chile, strained
- 1 lb Ground Chicken (we recommend ground over any other type as it absorbs the flavors much better than rotisserie / shredded / etc)
- 4 Garlic Cloves, chopped
- 1 large Carrot, chopped into cubes
- 1 large Shallot, finely chopped
- 2 stalks Celery, halved lengthwise and then chopped
- 1 1/2 tsp Ground Coriander
- 1 tsp dried Thyme
- 8 oz Pasta Noodles of choice (we used egg noodles)
- 8-12 cups Chicken Broth
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Any other ingredients of choice for garnish (parsley, lemon zest, etc.)
- Add about 3-4 cups of chicken broth into a blender along with 1/4-1/2 jar of Zia Hatch Green Chile. Blend thoroughly until combined. Scoop any foam off the top and set aside.
- In a large pot, add olive oil and heat over medium-high on the stovetop. Add the ground chicken, 1/4-1/2 jar of Zia Hatch Green Chile, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until crumbled and mixed properly, breaking it up and mixing constantly for about 3 minutes. Add garlic and coriander and continue to cook for another 2-3 minutes until chicken is cooked through. Once cooked, use a slotted spoon to move chicken into a lidded bowl to retain moisture. Cover and set aside but do not turn off the stove.
- Once chicken is set aside, immediately add the celery, carrot, shallot and thyme to the pot with some more olive oil and salt and pepper as needed / desired. Stir occasionally and let cook a few minutes to soak up the chicken fat in the pot, then add 8 cups chicken broth (these 8 cups include the broth you blended earlier) and bring to a boil over high.
- Add noodles, bring heat back to medium and cook until al dente per package instructions. Add cooked chicken, mix, taste and season with salt and pepper. Heat until chicken is warmed and then reduce to low or remove from heat entirely. If the noodles absorb too much of the broth, add more to your liking (we ended up using a total of 10 cups chicken broth).
- Serve warm and top with garnish of choice.

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