Hatch Green Chile Potato Gratin
Zia Hatch Green Chile Potato Gratin
- 3.5oz Gruyere Cheese
- 2.5 cups Heavy Cream
- 4-5 large Russet Potatoes
- 1 jar Zia Hatch Green Chile, strained
- Salt and Pepper
- Grated Parmesan Cheese (optional)
1. Wash and pat dry potatoes
2. Shred / grate Gruyere Cheese
3. Use a mandolin slicer to slice all potatoes as thin as possible. If you don't have a mandolin, it helps to cut part of the potato off to create a flat shape and ensure smooth slices.
4. Preheat Oven to 350 Degrees Fahrenheit.
5. To begin building the layers of gratin in an oven proof baking pan, pour a splash of heavy cream, a pinch of salt and pepper and create one layer of potato slices. Be sure to lightly overlap each potato and have them touch. You want to limit open space as much as possible.
6. Sprinkle a light layer of gruyere cheese on top of the first layer, a light dusting of parmesan cheese, another splash of heavy cream, more salt and pepper, and bits of Zia Hatch Green Chile spread throughout. Don't overdo it -- they key is to add a small and even amount over numerous layers.
7. Continue building each layer of Hatch Green Chile Potato Gratin until you exhaust your ingredients - Heavy Cream, Salt and Pepper, Zia Hatch Green Chile, Cheeses, Potato, Heavy cream, Salt and Pepper, Zia Hatch Green Chile, Cheeses, Potato, over and over. Go light on the salt, the cheese will provide a good amount of salty flavor.
8. When you reach the last layer, do not top with anything. Give the Gratin a light push with your fingers. The heavy cream should be about 2/3 of the way or slightly rolling over the top layer.
9. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for one hour.
10. At one hour mark, remove from oven and poke with fork. The potatoes should be tender. Increase oven temperature to 400 degrees.
11. Brush the top layer with olive oil and give one final splash of heavy cream, salt and pepper, and any other herbs of your choice to cover it.
12. Once oven reaches 400 degree, place back inside for 10 minutes or until the top layer develops a golden brown crunch. You may lightly broil, but make sure it doesn't burn.
13. Remove, let cool and enjoy!

Want more delicious Hatch Chile Recipes? View more here!
We made this for Thanksgiving dinner. My husband loved it, but it was a bit too much green chile for me. The texture was perfect though- I was surprised at how well it cooked.
Didn’t have gruyere cheese and made due with cheddar and mozzarella. Still delicious. The dish was empty. Credit to you!